Sunday, October 24, 2010

Lions and tigers and _isms, OH MY!

Here it is, week 7 of my Instructional Design course.  I look back at what I knew before I began learning about _isms, not-quite-_isms, and the people who came up with these learning theories.  In this course, I didn’t learn a whole lot more about how I learn, but I am better able to talk about how people learn.  I came to this course with an inherent knowledge of learning styles, but now I can put a name to the different learning theories and learning styles.

I found it quite interesting to learn about multiple intelligences, particularly the fact that everyone has some level of each intelligence.  It is important to nurture various intelligences, especially those that are less developed.

Growing up in the 90’s, I saw technology slowly move into my education.  It started as a way to do research and write reports.  Now it has encompassed my entire learning environment at Walden University.  Communication, data storage… it’s indispensable to my online learning experience.

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